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Update Product Variant

Product Variant Active Status

Direct Link:


  1. Log in to your MeroERP account.
  2. On the left navigation menu, browse to Catalogue > Manage Product Variants.
  3. Find the variant you would like to update and click on that variant. This will take you to that product variant detail page.
  4. Locate the Active Status. Toggle to make active/ inactive.

General Update

Direct Link:


  1. Log in to your MeroERP account.
  2. On the left navigation menu, browse to Catalogue > Manage Product Variants.
  3. Find the variant you would like to update and click on that variant. This will take you to that product variant detail page.
  4. Locate the Edit button for updating general information and click on it. This will take you to Product Variant Update page.
  5. Update necessary fields.
    1. General
      1. Name
      2. SKU
      3. Is Active button
    2. Pricing
      1. Cost Price
      2. Selling Price
      3. Offer Price
      4. Wholesale Price
  6. Click on Update.

Inventory level update

Direct Link:


  1. Log in to your MeroERP account.
  2. On the left navigation menu, browse to Catalogue > Manage Product Variants.
  3. Find the variant you would like to update.
  4. In the Inventory Level, locate the Edit button and click on it. This will take you to Update Inventory Levels page.

Note: This is only available for that product's variant, the product has Manage Stock is TRUE.

  1. Update necessary fields. For each store
    1. In Stock
    2. Stock Alert
    3. Max Stock Level
    4. Stock Status
    5. Inactive/ Active
  2. Click on Update.