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Search Purchase Return

Search Purchase order Return

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  1. Log in to your MeroERP account.

  2. On the left navigation menu, browse to Purchase > Purchase Returns. This will redirect you to Purchase return list page.

  3. Apply the required filters. The filters available are

    1. Predefined dates or Manual date enter

    2. Order Status options:

      1. Draft
      2. Pending
      3. Sent
      4. Approved
      5. Hold
      6. Processing
      7. Completed
      8. Cancelled
      9. Rejected
      10. Void
    3. Title/Description

    4. Order Number

    5. Purchase Number

    6. Stores

    7. Payment Status

    8. Vendor Name

    9. Return Type

  4. Click on Apply filters.

  5. Search for the purchase order return from the results and select the order that matches your keywords.