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List Invoice Deliveries

Direct Link: 01-list-invoicedeliveries 05-search-invoicedelivery1

  1. Log in to your MeroERP account.
  2. On the left navigation menu, browse to Invoice Delivery. This will take you to Invoice Delivery list page.
  3. You can view the following details of each invoice delivery:
    1. Order Number
    2. Receiver Details
      1. Name
      2. Contact No.
      3. Address
    3. Customer Name
    4. Store Name
    5. Delivery Date
    6. Invoice Number
    7. Driver
    8. Quantity
    9. Received by
    10. Invoice Delivery Status
    11. Shipped At
    12. Created At
1. Invoice Deliveries will be ordered on the basis of order Delivery Date.
2. You can use the scroll bar located at the bottom of the page to navigate through the remaining information.