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Estimate Notes

Add Estimate Note

Direct Link:

  1. Log in to your MeroERP account.
  2. On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Estimates.
  3. Find the estimate in which you would like to Add Notes then select that estimate. This will redirect to Estimate Detail page.
  4. Locate Notes panel. Click on the empty textbox below Add Note.
  5. Fill the textbox with note.
  6. Choose either Private Note or Public Note.
  7. Click on Save.

Delete Estimate Note

Direct Link:

  1. Log in to your MeroERP account.
  2. On the left navigation menu, browse to Sales > Manage Estimates.
  3. Find the estimate in which you would like to Delete Note then select that estimate. This will redirect to Estimate Detail page.
  4. Locate the note you would like to delete.
  5. Click on the Delete option at the end of the note.
  6. A confirmation popup will appear. Click on Continue and the note will be deleted.